
Self Syllabus

One of the best techniques I've taken and used in my practice, both in my design and artistic work, has got to be keeping an up-to-date self syllabus. A self syllabus is a tool that can either be digital or analogue, and is used to track, record, and manage the influences you're taking in.

Self syllabuses can be used as a method to encourage self learning.

You don't stop learning when you've left the classroom, and allowing yourself to have a space to practice this is important.

Keeping a self syllabus can look analogue or digital using tools like Google Drive. I have found that digital tools like Google Drive have allowed me to share my log with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Although, I've struggled with the ability to feel motivated to post/update due to high amounts of time spent behind a screen.

Feeling inspired to try one for yourself? Here is a link to mine, feel free to take it and run with it while building your own! I also found this article helpful when deciding how to start and where.

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